Originally posted by Jew
I know exactly what I'm saying.
It's so simple most anyone could understand it.
Removing certain words of what an author has written is censorship.
THE AUTHOR DIDN'T WRITE IT! Check your history, congress added "under god" to the pledge in 1954. Removing words that the GOVERNMENT put in there and that the AUTHOR never wanted in there is not censoring the author.
Repressing children from the rights to pray or even mention the word God in school does not exhibit freedom of speech.
No one is forced to recite it.
No one is preventing children from praying in school READ the posts before you comment on them.
And yes, children are forced to recite the pledge. A first grader, when told to do something by his teacher, will feel obligated to do it, obviously. The teacher has no business obligating his students to acknowledge a religious deity.
The Government can't censor the people ?
Tell Howard Stern.
Totally different scenario. Try to stick to the topic.