Dallas Lynn is a genius. I've had several great conversations with him, and he rivals the intelligence of anyone on the TFP and perhaps surpasses. He makes sweeping generalizations, but the ladder theory is a perfection of generalizations. I have yet, in 12 months of hanging out on the intellectualwhores.com forum, seen ANYONE post an effective counter argument to the ladder theory. If you can do it, then Dallas will acknowledge it, but so far, noone has been able to effectively disprove it using non-anecdotal evidence.
Period. How can you? All guys will agree with the theory, women will deny it, as predicted by the theory.... I have very intelligent female friends who agree with it, and the rest flat out deny it, as predicted by Dallas.
His logic is rock solid. The ladder theory is written in a way that the burden of proof is on an impossible segment to be represented on the internet... .001% of women are not bitches...
I'll address your arguments, after drinking way too much
For you this theory may hold true most of the time, but you must realize that "most of the girls you know" as a group probably does not accurately represent all the women of the world. As it stands, most of the people i know would probably think that ladder theory is bullshit.
I agree that ladder theory portrays mentalities that do exist. I disagree that they are anywhere near as pervasive or inherent as its author would imply.
What says "most of the girls you know" accurately represent the population? Sure, you may know 20 girls that disagree with the ladder theory. Hell, you make know 50 guys and girls, or a hundred. Fine, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say ok. If there are a hundred people that come forward and say "I agree with you wholeheratedly ,filtherton."
Good. We have a start. Then I can show you 50 people who say otherwise and their friends agree, and you suddenly become a minority. And then I can show you more people who have never heard of the ladder theory that would agree with the principles, and the web grows larger... and you still haven't encompassed enough people to effectively disprove the theory. The internet will always be skewed in its respondants to any particular topic
We all deal with isolated groups that may or may not represent society as a whole. But the whole independant growth of the "nice guy is screwed" mentality all over the internet is more likely to point the proof towards the ladder theory than against. There is no 'perfect' social theory, and the ladder theory does not claim to be. The ladder theory just claims to be work in a 'majority' of cases.
And one persons (albiet vocal) opinion cannot claim to be the majority. All the ladder theory has to prove is a majority, and the supporters far outnumber the defenders, among male and females alike.
Am I the minority? Yeah, fucking right. You wouldn't have 5 topics a week about the nice guy dilemma here at TFP if I was. You would have all topics saying "Man, men and women think so much alike!" and we have forums to prove that otherwise.
Give me some solid proof that your group is the majority, other than saying your limited group of friends disagrees. Give me some evidence to prove it doesn't work for everyone. Something.
People say they disagree with the theory. Give reasons, and evidence. This is the typical way of logical argument, are you going to back it up in any way whatsoever? Or just say you disagree and expect everyone to agree with you? Most people never have anything at all to justify it other than their "personal" ideas, which are skewed to begin with....