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Old 03-26-2004, 04:27 PM   #3 (permalink)
Picture this...

Here are the U. S. statistics for 2104 ....

The average life expectancy in the US is 138.
Only 14% of homes in the US don't have a fully immersive 3D entertainment system.
Only 8% of the of homes in the US don't eat genetically modified or cloned meat products.
A three-minute call from Denver to New York City cost $zero; all voice telecommunications in the US are free.
There are more cars in the US than people and paved roads now cover more than 10% of the landmass.
The maximum speed limit in most cities is 55mph, but 75mph in Southern California if using cars fitted with driver-assisting computers.
California has split into two states; Southern California and Northern California. Southern California is the most populous state in the Union.
The tallest structure in the world is the Zedong Tower in Beijing. At over 2km tall it is a testament to Chinese engineering..
The average wage in the US is $175.33/hour.
The average US worker makes between $250K-$350K/year.
A competent Finance Engineer could expect to earn $2M/year, a dentist only $1.5M/year (most dental problems are cured at birth), a veterinarian between $1.5M-$4M/year (cloning has reduced the popularity of pet medicene) and a genetic engineer about $7M/year.
Birth in the home is illegal in 14 States. More than 65% of all children have undergone prenatal genetic scanning and/or treatment.
Sugar costs $0.55/pound. Eggs are $0.25/dozen. Staple foodstuffs are cheaper due to industrial farming techniques. "Natural" or "Organic" foodstuffs have rocketed in price.
Coffee cost $78.25/pound after several wars in South and Central America and a blight destroys much of the world crop.
Most women now coat their hair in a micro-thin plastic treatment. This allows for immediate colour change, shape change and repels dirt.
Canada passes a law joining the US as the 52nd State. Puerto Rico was the 51st.
The five leading causes of death in the US are: 1. Pneumonia & influenza (Avian flu has killed over 2million people in the past 12 months) 2. Heart Disase (54% of the population is officially obese) 3. Cancer (mostly caused by the three "dirty bombs" detonated by terrorists on the east coast in 2013) 4. Stroke 5. Killed in Action (the US has over 2,000,000 men/women in arms fighting in 12 actions - see below).
The USA is currently engaged in four wars (War on Drugs, War on Terrorism, War on Want, War on United Arab States), 4 "stability missions" or military occupations (Iraq, Palestine, Mexico and Kurdistan), 2 "Peace Keeping missions" (Angola and Tibet) and 2 semi-covert operations at overthrowing "non-friendly" governments (Colombia and Turkey).
The American flag had 53 stars; Canada, Puerto Rico, Southern California and Northern California having been addded in the past 100 years.
The population of the moon is 89.
Self-assembling nano technology based robots, artificially grown organs (from self-harvested stem-cells) and pseudo AI "constructs" have been invented.
The latest holiday in the US is "America Day" - an attempt by the Administration to enhance the sense of American identity slowly being lost due to massive influx of refugees and immigrants.
One in ten US adults can't read or write.
Only 56% of all Americans graduate from HIGH SCHOOL.
Nicotene is now banned entirely in 34 States and smoking in public is illegal (Federal Health laws).
12% of households in the US have at least one robotic or semi-automatic cleaning device. Nano technology is driving prices down and sales are high.
There are approximately 358 reported murders per day across all 53 states; the highest concentration is is Los Angeles in Southern California.

Mr Mephisto
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