Originally posted by Prince
I wouldn't date a smoker, and I didn't marry one. If my wife took up smoking, I don't know what would come out of that... A crisis in the marriage, no doubt. I don't like the idea of telling someone what to do, or not do, but in my case, the smell of cigarettes is one thing that almost never fails to give a huge and quite painful migraine, complete with vomiting, cold sweat, shakes, etc.
I don't see how I could LIVE with a smoker. I try not to socialize with them to begin with, at all.
Smoking is for idiots, anyway.
I find it completely repulsive. I don't have the same violent reactions as Prince, but it does make me cough if breathed on by a smoker. If around smoke for long, I get nauseous, get a sore throat and have even been known to lose my voice.
Even more repulsive than the smoking itself is trying in vain to cover it up. Smokers don't seem to realize that non-smokers can smell cigarettes on them no matter how much mouthwash they gargle or clean clothes they wear.
It's an addiction, and I appreciate that, just not my addiction nor my choice of addictions for a SO.

I won't say "it's for idiots" - that's pretty harsh and I think many people who are addicted started when they were idiots - a.k.a. teenagers (ah the folly of youth).

So, I will cut them some slack there. However, that still doesn't mean I have to date them or be around them. I wish they'd outlaw smoking in bars and restaurants here. Might make me go out clubbing and bar hopping more often.