Originally posted by Jew
I find people using the censorship and freedom of speech excuse for people like Howard Stern and then flip flopping to remove anything religiously affililiated from public access very hypocritcal.
You're still missing the point, and confusing two separate issues.
There is no flip-flopping. People want free speech. Point one. People DO NOT WANT religion thrust upon them. Point two.
If you make a kid say, "under God", then you are forcing them to acknowledge (on some level) religion. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. Some people do not want any sort of school-sponsored religious content. That means plays, christmas trees, candles, whatever. They want their "separation of church and state" but- while I think it's a good idea to keep the public schools free of religious influence- the idea is not backed up by anything (like the constitution) like they say it is (as has been pointed out in this thread already).
I for one encourage people to build all the privately-funded religious schools they want- but when it comes to publicly-funded education, keep all religion out.
BTW- I'm very religious, and Catholic, so don't pull "Godless Liberal" shit on me.