Originally posted by punkmusicfan21
I've been eating regular tossed salad for a week now for lunch, rasin bran for cereal n the morning and supper is what ever I make (salad, pasta, meat and veggies) i'm a fairly good cook (thanks mom and dad)
For exercise I walk about eleven kilometers a day plus i run at night (no idea). Cardio is making me want to walk and eat well because i love the feeling you get when your so sore it hurts to breathe... Time well spent.
Well, you're supposed to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, to keep your metabolism faster. Also, consider switching the raisin bran to oatmeal. Its a lot better for you. Things like chicken and tunafish are also essential to my diet. And as for pasta, just make sure to eat it sparingly, and never with fattening sauces (alfredo for example). You're supposed to eat at a 40:40:20 ratio, the 40s being carbs and protein, and 20 being fat. People have posted the types of stuff to eat before, do a search for it.
And yeah, I am going to start HIIT after this weekend (I work 40 hours this weekend, literally no time to do anything). It seems like a good concept, and you might want to give it a try.