My first suggestion is a simple one:
Start watching "Real Time" with Bill Maher. While Maher does lean left, he loves to cry BS at either side. He's amusing and topical, and his guests usually represent a liberal, a conservative, and someone there for comic or celebrity effect. It's a very funny show, with each side getting good points in from time to time. Granted, it does lean left, but I generally feel better informed after hearing some celebrity misspeak about an issue, then be corrected by another panel member.
A quick note on Maher vs. TDS vs. Dennis Miller- I've only seen one episode of Miller's new show, and I was amazed how retarded it was. I mean, seriously, I used to really dig Dennis, but he didn't take a stand, raise an interesting issue, or even seem to care if he or his guest were present. It was only one show, so the sample size is too small to be representative, I suppose. TDS is always funny and often informative- if not the facts themselves, you get an idea of what issues are on the table.
I generally hit CNN, Drudge, and used to listen to O'Reilly daily. I'm off O'Reilly now, but I think CNN and Drudge give me both the "what we want America to know about" and "what they secretly don't want you to know about." People should use the web for good, informing themselves with various sources, instead of just porn and sports, neither of which I have any aversion to, I'm as guilty as the next chump. Especially sports.
Oh, and the BEST way to further your knowledge and understanding? Join the TFP! It lets you in on the base story, some wacky opinions in either direction, and you can form your own opinion.