If drugs ever become legal, be prepared to see me walk around topless - after all, men can do it. Which is more harmful - me walking around with no shirt or me shooting up with crack? I'll be damned if people are allowed to shoot up with drugs and I have to wear a top on a blazing hot day in the summer!
Strangely, topless females when not intended to incite lust are legal in many states and countries. And based off exactly the arguements she gave.
Please don't tell me that drugs hurt only the person who chooses to use them - that's not true.
Please don't tell me that having a baby hurts only the person who chooses to have the baby - that's not true.
Babies grow up to be murderers. Having a baby should be illegal.
Why should I have to go to a doctor and get justification for a medication, whether it be an antibiotic or Tylenol with Codeine, when other people can take heroin whenever they choose?
You won't. If heroin is made legal, you won't have to get a perscription.
Of course, they could select which recrational pharmacuticals are availiable without percription. Right now, there are 3 which are approved for recrational use: nicotine, alchohol and caffene.
Just extend the list.
2. Lawsuits - I'm sure everyone is aware of all the lawsuits being brought against the tobacco industry
The grounds of these lawsuits where that the tobacco industry claimed that their product was not harmful and not addictive, dispite the fact they knew otherwise, in order to sell more product.
And if one is tempted to argue that the government already is selling out to the drug lords - well, think how much that would increase if it could be done legally.
Drug lords whose livelyhood relies on corrupt police, judges, and the existance of prohibition are one type of person.
Drug lords who report to shareholders are another type of person.
Hey look, its an orange, not an apple!
Instead, it will make us drones dependent on government largeness for property and happiness.
As opposed to being drones dependant on criminal largeness for happiness. Which is what addicts are.
The government taxing something, and the government forming paramilitary operations and attacking its own citizens in a full blown war, are once again apples and oranges.
The use of taxes is not the same as the use of gunboats, destroyers and fighter jets.
What percentage of the drug war fights against mary jane?
Yet the tax would make it possible for criminals to undercut the official price and continue to rake in profits.
Smugglers who undercut government prices do not kill judges in order to keep their profits.
Take a look at the size of the organized crime networks that feeds off drugs. Where do they get most of their money? Do you want large international organized crime organizations?
Did alcohol use decrease when it was legalized? No.
Did alchohol related deaths decrease when it was legalized?
Did alchohol related government corruption decrease when it was legalized?
If legalized, users would grow thier own pot. There would be hardly any tax revenue.
Hobbyists and poor pot smokers would grow their own pot.
Most people have better things to do with their life than spend it building a pot growing op. =)