I read this story elsewhere. The story I read said the boulder was 800lbs. I'm not sure if that makes a difference in the end but it seems like at 200lbs you might be able to muster up the strength to move it before you had to cut your arm off. If you could get the juices going to psych yourself up to amputate a limb, maybe you could move a 200lb rock?
Also, he cut it off at the elbow (I read) so he would "only" have to cut through ligaments and muscle- no bone.
I think I could do it if I new that was my only option. I don't know if I would have come to that conclusion in the 5 days I was pinned there. One thing I know I couldn't do would be repelling down with one arm. I can't tie ropes; I wouldn't be able to do it with one hand. If my survival was based on my knowledge of repelling down the mountain- I'd be a dead man. I could cut my arm off, but I think I'd bleed to death trying to make my way down.
The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win you're still a rat