Ibsen's "A Doll House"
Has anyone seen this play? I read it tonight (At the request of my girlfriend, who saw it). I think my reaction is completely different than what's intended - I feel no sympathy for any of the characters, least of all the one who seems to want it most - Nora, the female lead. The closest thing to a positive emotional reaction I had at all was an understanding and respect for Torvald. An essay I read on it said it's often viewed as "Orthodox Feminist Fiction." I see so much more to it than that - in fact, I see very little feminism in it at all. It seems to be that Nora, at the end of the play, is still just a child. A child who has become disillusioned to the fact that her parent is, in fact, human, but a child nonetheless. It seems like "Wahwahwah, I want to be independent and there's nothing you can do about it, so there!" *slam door*
I'm not making much sense - I'm tired. I'll post a couple excerpts from a particular essay I read (and thoroughly enjoyed) tomorrow, if I get some responses.
Doing my best not to end up like Kathleen Chang.