I moved to a different country about 4 years ago, and I fully understand what you mean about losing touch. After only 2 trips back home in the interval, the number of people I keep in touch with has dwindled a lot. Some of it has to do with no longer having shared experiences to talk about ,
"So, I was out with my friend Dave yesterday"
"Who's Dave"
"He's a friend. We go singing"
"You sing?"
"Well, yeah, all the time. You don't?"
"Ah....so....how bout that local sports team?"
;To paraphrase a few phone calls I've had.
Friends doesn't mean forever, whatever the greeting cards may say. People change, they drift apart. While it's true that you will always have some friends that stick with you, they are the exception, not the rule. If someone suddenly stops calling/contacting you, well, you can't make someone call you, and even then, if they're only talking to you out of obligation to what you used to have, then you don't need them as friends anyway.
all work and no play make Date something something