Originally posted by uncle phil
an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain...
So is a Tarsier's
Baby Dolphins have moustaches.
A fully grown blue whale can weigh as much as 537,432 (plus or minus a couple hundred) average sized guinea pigs.
Aardvarks are not anteaters, but belong to an order all their own, that is most closely related to hoofed mammals
and cetaceans. (Anteaters are more closely related to carnivores.)
The closest relatives to the elephants are hyraxes, which are about the size of a large guinea pig.
The German word for nipple literally means "breast wart". And they say that the Germans are an unromantic people.
Traditional Peruvian beer is made with a yeast cultured from the faeces of unweaned infants. I guess horespiss ain't so bad.
The word for the beverage Punch, is from Hindi <i>panch(a)</i> meaning 5, because, at the time of the Raj, the British thought that the perfect punch had 5 ingredients in it (what hey are I don not know.) It's the same root word as in Punjab (5 rivers.) Other Hindi words in English include jodhpurs, dungarees, thug, and pajamas.
Crocodilians have incredible strenght in closing their jaws, but not much in opening them. In fact, if you can keep them from shaking your hand off, you can hold a croc's jaws closed with one hand (of course, given the likely outcome if the croc did shake it off, you'd be a fool to use less than two.)
Sharks don't have scales. Their skin is covered with tiny teeth. It used to be used as sandpaper before carborundum grit sandpaper was mass produced.
Imperial Romans used to wipe their fundaments after defacating with a sponge on a stick.