Originally posted by Lebell
I truly do support a two pronged approach which I think Israel is mistaken in not pursuing:
1) deal with those that can be reasoned with to hammer out a peace. Remove the economic reasons that people become terrorists.
2) For those that insist on destruction of one side or the other based on politics/religion/ideology then there can be no let up.
But honestly, I don't see the Palestinians supporting number 2 at all.
I think once they get their nation, it will always serve as a base for number 2 types to attack Isreal, while those number 1 types turn a blind eye because they dare not speak out against their "Brothers" who are fighting the "Jews".
Or the Americans and whom other else can define the borders of a Palestinian state as fairly as possible to both Israeli's and Palestinian's.
If one rocket or suicide bomber blows up in Israel, say bye bye to Palestinian statehood and your ass is gonna get kicked hard by the American's,... all the while saying, "and you thought you had it bad before."
If the Israeli's don't play by the rules, say bye bye to any and all support from the Americans including all weapons and monies made available,..,all the while the American's saying, "fuck you and fend for yourself."
Call me ignorant but I don't know why this hasn't already happened.
Maybe both sides have to lose everything and not just human life before it ends.