Originally posted by SLM3
Yes, they're not on the same level. Where we differ is where we put Israel. When Israel shoots a missle into a crowd to kill one man, it is a military action and is not condemned by America (not that anything is). When a block of houses is bulldozed because Israel tells us it believes one of the houses MIGHT have been used by a terrorist, that's simply another military action. When Palestinians are systematically humiliated every day at checkpoints, that is for the safety of Israeli's, who apparently are a lot more valuable as human beings. Curfews that allow Palestinians to be outside for only 2 hours a day are seen as routine military action.
Instead of writing off the Palestinian resistance as hate-fed terrorism based solely on the destruction of another people, why don't you stop and ask what might drive these people to such actions?
Do I advocate suicide bombings? No, I don't. Do I support the Palestinian's right to resist occupation(as guaranteed to them by the UN)? Yes, I do.
My point is, if the Palestinians had the same US weapons that Israel does, they wouldn't be using suicide bombers. On that note, they probably wouldn't be treated as filth like they are now.
I think it's important to say that I don't support all of Israel's actions, even while I understand the frustration they come from.
Like you, I don't support sending a missle into a crowd to kill a person, even if that person deserves killing.
On the flip side, the Palestinians have been known to hide themselves and weapons in residential areas, schools, hospitals, etc. for just this reason.
I truly do support a two pronged approach which I think Israel is mistaken in not pursuing:
1) deal with those that can be reasoned with to hammer out a peace. Remove the economic reasons that people become terrorists.
2) For those that insist on destruction of one side or the other based on politics/religion/ideology then there can be no let up.
But honestly, I don't see the Palestinians supporting number 2 at all.
I think once they get their nation, it will always serve as a base for number 2 types to attack Isreal, while those number 1 types turn a blind eye because they dare not speak out against their "Brothers" who are fighting the "Jews".