Originally posted by SLM3
[B]Considering the two intifadas take up a relatively small chunk of of the last 50 years, why don't you tell me how much non-violence has gotten the Palestinians over that time? They were a behaved oppressed people for many years, and what did that get them? If they're quiet, they're that much easier to squish. If they resist, they're terrorists.
You'll have to ask Jordan and Egypt this question since they were the ones to occupy the Palestinians up to 1967.
But I don't think many people are questioning whether the Palestinians deserve a state. The world thought they did in 1948, Israel offered the land back in 1967, Israel offered a country at Camp David and Taba. And before you go on about cantons etc., see a map of the
Taba offer which Arafat immediately rejected only to accept 18 months later. (
Arafat Approves Taba Plan too Late)
Israel is not denying the need for a Palestinian state. The disagreement is really just in how to get there. Israel does not want to vacate the area until the PA shows that they can handle security which they didn't do going way back to Oslo. No one wants to leave a leadership vacuum in an area ripe with militants.
The US will never approach the situation from a true mediator's standpoint. There will never be two states. That is unless they throw together a Palestinian state at the last second in order to avoid the innevitable shift in Israeli majority from Jewish to Arab.
Dude, Arafat has already received an offer that he found acceptable. He just fucked up so badly in not accepting it until it was off the table, 18 months later.
There absolutely will be 2 states.
The Palestinians have been demonized greatly in America. Thousands of years of coexistence in Palestine are ignored in order to relegate Palesinians to hateful anti-semites (it might be useful to look up semite to see the silliness of that term) who are Hell bent on the destruction of all Jews.
It might have something to do with the fact that Palestinians teach anti-semitism in school
textbooks .
People forget who took what from whom. People see a 20 year old, educated woman with a bomb strapped to her chest and they ask why she's so evil, not teh question of what might cause her to take such desperate measures.
Except for the fact that ssuicide bombings went UP after Oslo was signed and during the Peres/Netanyahu election campaign when Peres (the dove) was 20 points ahead of Netanyahu (the hawk). Hopes of more peaceful times seems to only encourage more suicide bombings for some reason.
This 72 virgins garbage is getting tired too. If it was such a blissfull outcome, then why wait until now to take such action? Why aren't arabs all over the world blowing themselves up? What do they have to lose?
You're right. Israel and the Jews made up that whole 72 virgins thing to make the Palestinians look bad.
And if semantics really bother you with regard to the term "anti-semite", do you go around correcting people when they refer to people of the USA as "Americans"? You know... Chileans are Americans too. It was a term coined by a German anti-semite. If the Arabs want it and everything that comes with it, they can have it.