Originally posted by Lebell
You are looking for something like a lodge.
Masons, Knights of Columbus (Catholic), Eagles, Elks, Odd Fellows, etc. would all generally meet your criteria.
. . . Except the "not judged on money" criteria. As much as lodges claim to be about brotherhood, they're also about being expected to pay a good amount of money in dues and to charities. Many, like the Masons and the Order of the Eastern Star, are primarily about charitable contributions, brotherhood coming in second. I don't really like the judgments that go along with contributing less than expected, and I doubt you would,
It would still take some money, but if there's a sport or activity that you enjoy, maybe you could join their league. Bowling, pool, softball, whatever. They're about friendly competition. Er, maybe a little bit about drinking, too, but friendly competition is the main emphasis.