Originally posted by Holo
For me it's all about the Maxells...but I'll go for Memorex if they're on a good sale as well. Staples has 50pks of different brands on sale occasionally for $10 at least every other month or so. I buy about 150 and wait till the next sale.
Okay, side question here, you all are suggesting Memorex and Maxell - both fine discs but my question is, why are you buying discs from a company that dosen't even make thier own discs? These companies don't make any of there media, they just OEM the product and then mark it up 30 points. It is a lot cheaper ( keeping into account your talking A stock to A stock or B stock to B stock) to buy a Ritek disc or a Mitsumi disc than it is to buy it OEM'ed from Maxell.
Granted, this will not pretain to retail stores but if you live in a city that has a Fry's, Best Buy or Circut City I'm sure there is a disto for one of the big three media maufatures.