While it is true that what you eat effects how you taste and smell... If eating garlic can make you smell like garlic and eating asparagas can make make your pee smell in general it would only follow that other foods can affect you as well...
That said, I have a lot of issues with products like sweetrelease and other "feminine hygene sprays"... They demonize the natural odour of women and create a problem where none exists. In typical fashion, "Let's create a problem and a product to cure it... we'll make out like bandits."
As if women don't have enough pressure to be thin and sexy now they have to worry that their crotch stinks.
Women who bathe regulary and bother to clean themselves with soap and water will, as was pointed out above, have nothing to worry about...
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke