I fail to see all of the fear that is being expressed over N. Korea!
North Korea is attempting to blackmail the world. You simply do not pay blackmail - it never stops. N. Korea has hung its own ass - they are a self-admitted violater of every nuclear non-proliferation treaty ever written and as such have placed themselves in a position of no return with Japan and China. Japan has stated that any attemp to load a weapon of mass destruction onto a missile will be considered an act of war and treated as such. They left no room for discussion and didn't offer to debate the issue. If they load a missile with a warhead it will result in war. Tha war won't last long. What N Korea has so far as a militray has been well discussed. They are not capable of doing much more than make noise on their own. If they attempt to export their nuclear technology it will be Katy bar the door on them and when that time comes no one will complain at all when there is just a Korea with no "N" and "S".
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!