Take heart, single folks.
I am 28 years old, and I've never had a girlfriend -- never even been kissed.
So you aren't as bad off as I am, most likely...
From what I've seen, self-esteem seems to be the big thing. If you don't have that, nothing else matters.
Wish I knew how to get that, though... all my friends have had at least one girlfriend, and they like to spend lots of time talking about it. Wish I could join in on those conversations....
So, as I get older, and I have to watch all of my friends get hooked up and eventually married, it gets harder and harder to feel at all confident.
And just so you know.... No, I do not spend all my time in front of a computer -- I get out every weekend. No, I am not some asshole, or a pathetic loser. No, I am not homosexual. Yes, I am interested in girls. Yes, I've made good friends with lots of girls -- they just always say no when I ask them out.
So, I do not have any clue how I am to meet a girl who will actually say yes.
Normal is overrated.