Well I am stunned. I sent a detailed complaint via email to the store, and I got a reply from the manager telling me he reviewed it and watched security recordings of the visit and others of when I've been there. He claimed 1) That the guy never yelled at me or used foul language (untrue) and 2) He listed various insults that I apparantly gave the brother which I know for a FACT that I never said-- nor anything that could even be misconstrued as such.
I'm literally floored that the manager would reply to me with bold faced lies, and then go on to claim I was taking advantage of his position by attempting to "fabricate" a complaint out of thin air.
All I can say is I will definitally never go to that Subway again, and probably never another in their entire chain. Heh... I was practically assaulted by one of their employees, and the manager comes back to tell me I'm a liar. Well fuck that.
Thanks everyone here for your advice. If I would have just let it go without contacting someone, I may have still given these assholes some of my business.