Maybe the phrase should be in there, maybe it shouldn't. I personally say leave it.
But i do have one question this brought up that i never understood. from the original story :
A California atheist told the Supreme Court Wednesday that the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance are unconstitutional and offensive to people who don't believe there is a God
How is something that means nothing to you offensive? If you are an atheist and (as far i i understand) dont believe in god, why are you offended by the name being mentioned? I dont believe in the BoogieMan, but im not offended by kids that do...
Also, if we changed capital "G" - God, into lower case "g" - god, would the phrase then still be "offensive"? If you call him Allah, he his still your god. If you call him Christ, he is still your god. If you believe there is one higher power, but dont think christianity has it right, you still believe in
god. Christians tend to refer to God as a name for the power. But if you use it a a position or title, rather than a name, it seems to me that you have now changed the meaning dramatically. No longer does it say we are a christian country, but that we are a religious country.
I dunno, maybe these are the ramblings of a madman, but it seems to me people are getting there panties in a bunch over something that really isn't a big deal.