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Old 03-24-2004, 01:20 PM   #79 (permalink)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Originally posted by cynicalgrrlll
Overrun??!! Yes there are entire hordes of illegal immigrants in the government and power postions
You ignore your own comment. You stated "Hispanics right now are the largest growing race in America and in a short while will be the predominate race in the U.S... so suck it up and get used to it". As it concerns illegal aliens, we have no desire to be overrun by third-world citizens who suddenly have free reign on our jobs and land. If you fail to see that providing amnesty will have an overall negative impact on our country's unity and productivity, that's your own prejudice.

Originally posted by cynicalgrrlll
Actually it doesn't at all, but since everyone seems to be belaboring the point that immigrants have to be a different race, I was pointing out that they were wrong in looking at it in that way
No one is belaboring this point. We're nearly all liberals, and thus generally not a prejudiced lot at all. I live in Los Angeles, where my neighbors are Mexican and Eastern European, and neither of them speaks English predominantly. I'm married to a Mexican/Italian girl. The fact is, if you're IMMIGRATING, you're not an American. You're hispanic, latino, bulgarian, cuban, asian, whatever. More often than not, that means NOT WHITE. This is not a prejudice, it's an observation. Your early posts seem convinced that we oppose the prescence of those "not like us", when we merely want to have a country where the citizens have respect for America, its citizens, and its culture- something you claim it does not have, even as you likely wear jeans and tennis shoes while eating fast food and flipping through the channels, past a baseball game, the NCAA tournament, and finally settling on a big Hollywood picture. America has no culture- yet our sports have international interest. Our films generate billions of dollars worldwide. Our new styles proliferate the media. We're a young country, but our impact is huge.

Originally posted by cynicalgrrlll
Name me a list of laws, all these immigrants seem to be breaking all these laws no one is mentioning and stealing food out of your children's mouth, but yet you all seem to have enough money to afford a computer
Are you serious?

I'll make this as clear as possible: ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE BREAKING THE LAW. The law is SIMPLE- if you enter the United States without persmission, you are BREAKING THE LAW.

How is it that this is such a mystery? Every single poster here, except you, knows this to be a fact. If you enter the country illegally, whether you be a Mexican, a Cuban, an Afghani, a Saudi Arabian, or a Brit, you're still BREAKING THE LAW, and you are eligible to be DEPORTED. If you don't comprehend this most basic of facts regarding immigration, you're not really qualified to comment on the topic at all, are you?
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