Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
I fully understood your point. I agree that the current AWB law isn't effective. However, that law exists in a political context in which:
- the NRA will oppose any gun control law, no matter how sensible, because they claim that it is a "camel nose under the tent" for harsher gun control later
- the gun control supporters will support any gun control law, no matter how silly, so that they can go back to their constituents and say what a good job they did
So, I expect a clean, effective gun control law to be passed, oh, about never.
Lebell, I laid out my opinion on how I thought guns should be controlled, and you came back with the same argument saying that there is no proof that any gun control is effective. As I said at the beginning of this thread, nuclear weapons aren't freely available to own, therefore it seems like some form of weapon control is needed in the USA.
Are you honestly saying that you believe that any american citizen should be able to freely own as many guns as they want, with no restrictions on the size, capacity, or capabilities of the gun? And that they should be able to get these guns with absolutely no restrictions, training, background checks, or any other controls?
Unless you believe this, then you obviously believe in some form of gun control laws. What gun controls laws would you enact if you could start with a clean slate?
I have to disagree that the NRA opposes
reasonable laws.
For example, they support selling safety locks with guns.
But to answer your main question, I would support
-criminal background checks
-banning criminals with violent convictions from owning guns
-manditory safety locks sold with guns
-POSSIBLY a mandatory safety course before a gun could be purchased.
-increased penalties for straw purchases, dealers not following the rules, gun crimes, etc.
-keeping fully automatic weapons, explosives and other "distructive devices" under the 1934 act
What I don't support:
-waiting periods
-limits on the amount of gun purchases
-outlawing any guns on cosmetic features
-outlawing .50 caliber rifles