Originally posted by MrTuffPaws
I have an issue with this. A straight blade will smash the victim, while a curved blade will cause the blade to cut deeper. Case in point, the samurai sword, the scimitar and the kukri. All three are legendary cutters.
The straight blades of the west were developed as mainly piercing weapons because of the armor that they had to defeat.
WHICH samauri sword? The curved one or the straight one? when most people think of samauri swords, they lump ninja swords in the same category. Ninja swords were straight, katanas were curved.
plus, katanas are not curved very much at all - nothing like a scimitar.
A straight blade will not smash any more than a curved blade the two blades are equally sharp, but a curved blade will deflect off bone better which makes it less likely to get caught in one.