Not that I'm about to say anything original or make a sensational first post but here it goes anyway :
Am I sorry that he's dead ? Not really although I do feel sorry for the usual "collateral damage" that was necessary in order to kill an overaged paraplegic (I mean, WTF, missiles ?).
However, it's obvious that Israel can no longer claim they're striving for peace in the middle east.
Originally posted by popo
I see it in a completely opposite light. I think that in their view they made things worse for themselves in the short term (perhaps more suicide bomb attempts) but in the long term Hamas was dealt a serious blow. Their _leader_ is dead.
Allow me to disagree. The man wasn't a leader in the sense that he planned out and made the strategic/tactical decisions. He was just a symbol, the person who personified the struggle against Israel. With this assasination, that symbol has been immortalized rather than removed. Thus, no long term benefits. IMHO.