Well, over on the website with one of my favorite names of all time,
got spit?, there's the "Ask Wes" page. Wes Carroll is one of the best 'mouth drummers' out there (the goal is to sound like a physical drum set, which is different from beatboxing, but similar). Wes explains "If Your Mother Only Knew" as follows:
Re: "the beat and the chorus at the same time": "Bif your mPother BonBlPy knew B .. P .. B BB P .." It's really just the same old 'use the illusion' trick, done really well. If you listen REALLY closely, you'll note that little pieces of consonants are missing from the words where the drum sounds happen. Your brain fills in the sounds it expects. Cool, eh?
(Same think as
Redjake was saying, but a little more detail.)