Originally posted by pan6467
Sounds to me he made up his mind without even hearing the case if "his recusal would eliminate a vote against Sierra Club."
Judges are not supposed to even predict how they will rule UNTIL they hear the evidences in court.
Sounds to me like Scalia has already shown his bias.
You are making an incorrect inference here. The statement does not point to any sort of predetermined outcome. It simply points out that a recusal equates to a vote against the petitioner.
Additionally, no one here who claims that Scalia is biased because of his "friendship" has answered how the Supreme Court could function if every Justice had to recuse themselves in every case where they have or had a relationship with those involved in a case before them. By the very nature of Supreme Court Appointments the Justices have relationships with Presidents, Vice presidents, Senators, Representatives, District Attorneys, State and Federal Attorney Generals, Federal Prosecutors, countless other government employees, and, of course, legal professionals and scholars.