This reminds me of "men are from mars and women are from venus". It seems like it may apply, but it only applies because people think it does. In some ways it may even perpetuate the ladder system by convincing people that it has to be reality. Who the fuck is this guy to know what chicks dig. The fact that he is using the words "chick" and "dig" in the same sentence proves to me that he probably knows a great deal about women who hang out in singles bars or flash their chests for a free t-shirt. Just because he is shallow, and surrounds himself with other shallow people doesn't mean everybody else is just as shallow. Hellooooo? His optimal position is friends with benefits status. He might as well be Quagmire from the family guy.
With gems like:
And why does everyone always say I'm bitter just because 99.999% of chicks are bitches?
It sounds like somebody isn't aware of the irony he creates by calling somebody a bitch.
I have many female friends i don't want to fuck. I didn't used to, but then i noticed that i was befriending people that i didn't even like. I realized that it takes a certain lack of respect for women in general to only get close to them because you want to fuck. It seems akin to befriending a rich person because they might buy you some shit some day. I made a choice to look at women like i look at men, that is, as human beings, not walking vaginas. It's about respect. Self respect and respect for other people. Besides, how can you complain about women treating you badly when you base whole friendships on trying to get your dick wet?
Any guy who looks for love from a lady when she is obviously stringing him along deserves what he gets. Its certainly not her fault if he gets creepy. By becoming creepy he's just playing her game.
The only way to void the ladder system is to realize that it's bullshit. It only applies to people who choose to put themselves in a position to be subject to its rules.
Above all i think it is useless to summarize the bahavior of entire genders in such ways. Don't play these games and you won't have to worry about this ladder business.