Yes - since right now and for the forseeable future we live in a world where the following statement applies:
"In the unfavorable event that we do become a target, then the course of action is simple. Squish 'em."
I would have no problem voting for you.
I don't agree with everything you're saying but there is nothing anywhere nearly so important as "squishing" those who are and will be targeting us.
The rest is social engineering-type stuff and that's really a matter of personal preference and political reality. I assume you'd do what it takes to get yourself elected - i.e. making the social-engineering statements that most people want to hear. Once elected, the social stuff is just making promises and allocating some minor funds - notwithstanding many folks notions that important social issues are involved.
IMHO - The only real significant task of a President of the United States is that of Commander in Chief.
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