I would definitely check to make sure it isn't a windows problem first. If you can, get a knoppix cd and boot from it. Then run some sort of program in the background that uses a constant cpu load. If it stays on for a day or more it's probably windows.
If it goes off though you have a bigger problem (hardware related). This happened to an old computer of mine. It would restart randomly every two days or so. After awhile it got more frequent; once per day, 3x per day, and eventually to the point of every 30 seconds. Turned out to be a bad voltage regulator on the motherboard.
If you can, setup hardware monitoring software to record your voltages at about 1-2 second intervals. After a restart look at the last few readings for abnormal voltage levels.
Otherwise try taking out hardware and see if it still does it.
"Empirically observed covariation is a necessary but not sufficient condition for causality" - Edward Tufte
Last edited by Scorpion23; 03-23-2004 at 04:24 PM..