Sharing vs. Converting
As many know, we think of religious people's intentions are to convert people to their religion. But what we tend to see past is that there are religious people out there who only desire to share with others the joy and experience out of their religion.
Converting is to convince others of how your religion is the only right path, that you can be saved and go to heaven or whatnot. Converting also evolves around judgement, i.e. "you will go to hell if you are not saved! if you do not have Jesus as your Lord and Saviour! or if you don't believe in what we do! or if you don't go to church!".....and so on.
Sharing opens the doors wide open to others, giving them the will to choose to step in or not, without judging them. You want to share with them your experience and being touched, feeling "God". You want to express the joy, peace, tranquility, and love that has consumed you. And you want them to feel the same way. It's only a door being open, without pushing them into the room.
What are your views and thoughts on sharing vs. converting?