I'm surprised no one here has mentioned the Rx Bandits.
Now before you all get disgusted because they are third wave, hear me out. With the exception of their first album, Halfway Between Here and There, which I don't like, they are hardly a typical third wave ska band.
And please try to ignore the fact that they are signed to Drive Thru records. They are one of my favorite bands, and one of the most talented (I think) to date. Don't sleep on them, check them out. Their second album, Progress, was a giant leap in their playing ability from their mediocre first album, and a lot more reggae-ish. Their new album, The Resignation, is fucking amazing - comparatively, I'd say the progress between HBH&T and Progress is doubled between Progress and The Resignation. And their lyrics, well...you should just listen to them...here's a few tracks that I highly reccomend.
from Progress...
"In All Rwanda's Glory"
"Nothing Sacred"
"All The Time"
"Consequential Apathy"
from The Resignation...
"Overcome (The Recapitulation)"
"Sell Your Beautiful"
"Taking Chase as the Serpent Slithers"
"Mastering the List"
If it wasn't for microsoft, if we lived in the middle east? Y'all wouldn't have no hands....