I will not give money directly to a homeless person. I'd prefer to go buy food and bring it to them or drive them to a shelter. Then I know they will be taken care of and not use the money for alcohol or some other substance.
My advice to any that bash the homeless:: Place yourself in their shoes for a day or even one hour. Go without food, don't take showers, spend the night outside of your warm house and bed and sleep on the grass or concrete for the night without blankets or a jacket. No cheating and I promise it won't be easy!
For humanities sake I think most of the homeless people deserve respect and help from those willing and capable. I'd give the clothing on my back if I could help out another in need and would never expect a dime in return. The only expectation would be for some gratious person to help me if I ever fell on hard times.
Are we all high and mighty above our brothers and sisters? If we were the ones that were homeless, wouldn't we all want compassion and help?
I'd like to see the people who have a TV in every room, numerous computers/electrical gadgets, closet full of namebrand clothing, money enough to party every weekend to not be selfish or materialistic and give up some of your comforts for those who need it more than you. Changing this epidemic can happen if we all work together, side by side.
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