Originally posted by filtherton
Every criticism about bush becomes one about clinton.
I think we all remember in the days following the first bombing at the WTC, when clinton demanded that the cia find a way to link this to iraq. And then he proceeded to invade iraq based on a revloving wall of excuses, clinging to each side only as long as was politically expedient.
Does it say somewhere in that article how clinton tried to use terrorism as an excuse to invade a completely irrelevant country? No sir, it doesn't.
It must be difficult to keep your grip on bush's swinging nutsack with both your hands covering your ears.
You are absolutly correct, Willie was more worried about his willie than finding who bombed WTC the first time.
He might have shown a speck of concern for our country by actually doing something to try and find the criminals.
So because I approve of my presidents actions means that I am swinging on his nutsack huh?
So being you will support anyone who runs against Bush makes you a liberal with no real belief in a person, just a party.
Well buckle up and bury that head in the sand cause your in for 4 more years of whinning.