Originally posted by raeanna74
Personally, I say that if it's not observable and reproducible then you can't prove it. I have yet to see a dinosaur evolve from any lower life form or a dinosaur be spoken into existence by a higher being and I believe no one else as observed it either. So by those rights you cannot prove either.
No one has actually seen a dinosaur AT ALL -- if you believe in the existence of dinosaurs you are already accepting the existence of something that cannot be observed or reproduced (Jurassic park non withstanding
). On top of that most creationists deny the existence of dinosaurs entirely or claim that humans and dinosaurs walked the earth TOGETHER.
The kind of evolution that I think you are demanding be produced before your eyes (what most refer to as "macroevolution" but which as was pointed out by CSFilm is really just sequential instances of "microevolution") takes place over hundreds of thousands of years. It you really want to understand evolution research it, I think you'll find that the science is there to support the theory -- something that is not even promised by the creationists.