Those stickers - the ones that you get from donating money - generally do little good.
What DOES help at times is the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (PBA) card/sticker. I'm pretty sure you cannot get this card through monetary donation. The reason I know this card can work is because a policeman friend gave me one. He told me that it is NEVER a guarantee that you'll get out of a ticket. There are obviously many other factors - the nature of your offense, your demeanor to the cop (both attitude and physical appearance), whether you have any past offenses...but he told me that if you present it AFTER your license and registration and say "I don't know if this helps, but a friend of mine is on the force in so-and-so and gave me this card..." and told me to present it with his business card.
I have only been pulled over once since I got it, but I didn't use it as I was way out of this guy's jurisdiction (in a different state, actually) and thought it wasn't appropriate. But according to my friend, it CAN help. But I don't think this is the exact same thing that you're asking about.
You have to laugh at yourself...because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't. - Emily Saliers