Originally posted by raeanna74
Personally, I say that if it's not observable and reproducible then you can't prove it. I have yet to see a dinosaur evolve from any lower life form or a dinosaur be spoken into existence by a higher being and I believe no one else as observed it either. So by those rights you cannot prove either.
Not so. Evolution is observed all the time! Ever heard of drug-resistant bacteria? Where did they come from? I mean they didn't exist before...maybe our merciful and all-loving god decided that medical advances were going too far, and decided to whip up something new in his Creation Kitchen?
Or maybe they aren't new, merely evolved forms of other strains of bacteria, with a devolped trait of resistance to the popular drug. Such a turn of fate was predicted by evolutionists, who were warning about the misuse of drugs, before these drug resistant strains appeared.
If you want to actually perform a controlled experiment to view evolution in action, that can be done too. By exposing a sample of bacteria, over time, to higher and higher concentrations of a toxin, you can breed a drug resistant strain, right before your eyes!
Creationist: Yeah, but that's only microevolution.
Evolutionist: Sorry? 'microevolution'? What's that?
Creationist: It's a new term we made up. Anything that you can observe , we are defining as microevolution. Lets see some proper evolution...macroevolution
Evolutionist: So, you are defining everything that can be observed as microevolution, and are complaining about that fact that no one has observed macroevolution? Hmmm....