Taxes will naturally decrease as the economy becomes more self-sufficient as a result of the heightened morale expected. I wont force them down before the economy can take it, though. Seriously, the best thing I can offer to my country is a sense of humor and a genuine optimistic outlook. That's just what I have at the heart.
About social security.. I think the requirements for receiving the benefits of such should be raised to accomodate the more deserving individuals. There are too many people skating along with a free ride. This will help preserve the fund. I have no problem telling middle white trash america to get off their asses and get back to work.
Please tell me about some of today's issues regarding healthcare. I think I can come up with a fairly satisfactory solution.
Regarding the outsourcing issue, a few paths may be taken. First, I'm not a big fan of forced patriotism, but I think requiring companies to clearly state which parts of their company are outsourced and to where would be one step in discouraging it. I also think that some tax cuts could be awarded to corporations who maintain domestic production and support operations. Once again, though, this would be a high-requirement thing. I'm not into giving away money to anyone who squeezes their dick into a loophole.
I think I explained the terrorist thing already. Basicly, by maintaining a non-threatening foreign policy, it makes us less of a target. My goal would be to stabilize the world economy through trade and relations, not by taking sides in wars or completely reformatting an entire government at will. We will be neutral, but you know the US Army will always be at the top of the game. We wont be waving our flag all over the world, but if we're attacked, we'll be sure to put the hurt on.
There is no higher power that determines who gets to be the peacekeeper, anyways. I dont think the USA or anyone is HOLY enough to determine that. I like the concept of the UN and NATO. Let the cousel of nations decide on what to do about other peoples conflicts. We shouldn't be so self-important until we get shit situated at home. After that, the country's superiority should speak for itself. I'm tired of hearing how great the USA is when unemployment is soaring and shit like that.
Why do I want to be president? 1 - I think I can do it and I think I can be one of the best. 2 - It's a personal test. Every man desires power - what he does with his power is the true test of his character. I want to prove myself. 3 - I love my home and my life enough to try to make it better for myself and for others. You can see my intentions with the TFP, to expand human minds and to provide a free place for people to come and enjoy themselves. I want the whole country to be like this. 4 - when all of that comes together, I just wanna make my parents proud.
Also, line up the interns.
Last edited by Halx; 03-23-2004 at 12:54 AM..