Hal for President in 2020
I'm not sure how my life will change in the 14 years until I am elligible to be the president, but as my views and feelings stand now... I think I could be a great president. Here is my platform. Please ask me more specific questions to fill it out with more flesh. I may require some explanation because I am not a 'politics' guy.. I'm just a leader. Fear not for the possibility of others accepting me for my views, judge my platform only on what you view as the right way to live.
My views are generally liberal, but with an unforgiving social darwinism twist to it all. Let the people live their lives with none but the most animalistically moral of restrictions. Let them also suffer the consequences of their own faults, judgements, and luck. I think foreign policy should be limited to diplomacy and trade, rather than 'peace keeping' which has obviously gotten out of hand.
I would drasticly increase funding in education and technologies. I estimate that a less intimidating foreign policy would increase trade, and the cutbacks on frequently abused worker's comp, welfare and disabilities programs (not ALL of them, just the kind of stuff Matthew Lesko writes about) as well as all the money that used to go into all the illegal things that I will hope to suddenly make legal will free up enough of the budget to fund these endeavors.
Why spend money fighting it when you can legalize it and tax it?
I would work to curb these silly lawsuits that people bring against companies for shit like their coffee being too hot, or slipping on an improperly marked wet spot on the floor. If it was within my power, I'd seriously put an end to it all. Claim your medical fees and get the hell out of the courtroom.
gay marriage? sure. If it pisses people off that it's called marriage, why don't we give it a new name too?
abortion? sure. Let people suffer the judgement of others, but never deny them the right to command their own body.
weed? sure. Just tax it.
prostitution? sure. Do what they do in the netherlands. Socialize it. Tax it and use the taxes to educate the prostitutes about safe sex and educate them about better careers.
I realize that the law of averages allows society to work well. There are always gonna be people who are only good as janitors. No amount of education funding can cure this, but it can ease it up so the poverty rate is lower.
I'm not a fan of partisan politics or lobbyists. I plan to listen to neither.
I dunno what else to add right now.. help me fill out my platform.
Last edited by Halx; 03-22-2004 at 08:39 PM..