Originally posted by Scipio
Before someone comes out and says gotcha, drudge has more.
It seems more likely to me that this was done not to smear Bush, but either 1). by mistake, or 2). simply to make money.
CBS indicated in the article linked by Superbelt that the publishers of the book and cbs were owned by viacom.
"Both CBSNews.com and Simon & Schuster are units of Viacom."
I think it most definitely is a marketing ploy, but to simplify things so drastically is a big mistake. just because this story will make money for viacom does not mean it is not newsworthy. look at it in a hypothetical situation: staff member of a president (any president) writes a tell all book that is accusing the president of lacking somewhere. that's most definitely newsworthy in any case: agriculture, business, energy, defense, sex, boobies, spam, and more spam. So, in conclusion, i dont believe 60 minutes journalitic integrity was tainted (if they had any in the first place) they are, after all, a sensationalist news source as any on television nowadays. long live "newshour with jim lehrer"!!!