Originally posted by popo
What do you mean? I've been told by the Left that this is just a territorial, and not a religious or cultural dispute. 
I share the belief that it isn't religious or cultural. This dispute doesn't seem to be due to thousands of years of differences, it appears to only be about 60 years old.
Historically, Muslims have provided solace and sanctuary for Jews. In every region large Muslims exist, Jews have communities. They allowed Jews to immigrate during the Crusades and WW2. I don't know what else might be seperating the two cultures.
For one, while Israel claims to be some form of democracy, the people of Palestine aren't opposed to democracy. In fact, they claim to want a representative democracy. If anything, the rulers of the various nation-states are opposed to democracy--but we support them with military and monetary aid. But the
people aren't opposed to democracy, so I can't see that being a reason to attack Isrealites.