There is another great link on the site:
OBJECTIVE: Halloween Reclamation
While many Christians correctly see Halloween as a time of occult dangers - when Satan is out in force trying to corrupt our society - they overlook the fact that all things are created by the Lord for a purpose. So what is the purpose of this dark time of the year?
Further down the page:
However, instead of dressing up in occult costumes, we should dress up as historical persons from the Bible. When the children ask you who you are supposed to be, you can use that as an opening to teach them about the Lord. You can involve your whole family by creating costumed plays dramatizing the historical events in the Bible that you can perform for the unsaved children at your door, or perhaps just simple monologues given in-character as Moses or John the Baptist.
"BOO! I'm John the Baptist, and these are my many exciting exploits..."
I have a better idea:
"BOO! I'm Pope Alexander VI and my Christian army will slaughter your people if you don't convert..."