Originally posted by JRG
I can believe microsoft would charge an extra 25$. They will do anything to make extra money and they can always lower it in the future to make them look like some nice generous company. Snakes they are....
for the love of all things LOGICAL, they won't charge 25 fucking dollars a month to play one game that costs 50 to BEGIN WITH! As much as you guys hate Microsoft, they aren't THAT bad.
If we take all logic with Microsoft out of the problem, the fact still remains that no one would fucking pay 25 dollars a month to play Halo 2 online. You can say you would, but you wouldn't. It's too much money for one game that isn't even an MMORPG.....
it would be <i>slightly</i> different if there wasn't a cover charge for xbox live already implemented. but there is! they won't throw another figure into the equation. it would push away too many potential customers