Those were all overseas where our security capabilities are extremely reduced.
When al Qaeda attacked our warships Clinton and Clarke drafted a plan of war in which the US took on a full scale invasion and destruction of both the Taliban and al Qaeda. But the Cole bombing was in OCTOBER, and clinton was out of office in 2 months. You don't start a long term war and occupation months before you leave office. So he did the proper thing and handed it off to Bush with the urgent request that Bush make this his top priority. And Bush pissed on it and took up other priorities. Like a month long vacation in August of his first year.
By the way, the attack that Bush used in our Afghanistan battle is the exact same plan that was handed to him 11 months earlier by Clinton and Clarke.
The Associated Press has a fascinating summary of the information provided to us via Khalid Sheikh Muhamed.
Among the interesting tidbts:
1) Planning for the 9/11 hijackings began in 1996.
2) The plot was delayed because the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION wouldn't let Al Qaeda operatives from Yemen into the country.
3) Bin Laden decided to use Saudi operatives instead, because it was EASIER TO GET THEM INTO THE COUNTRY.
4) Two of the main operatives for the hijacking, met with Muhammed in Kuala Lampur in 2000, and the meeting was monitored by Malaysian intelligence on behalf of the CIA.
As far as it not being a case of sour grapes, it takes a little time to write a book. Might as well stick around and get paid while you do it, perhaps even gather up some information to use in said book.
Or maybe... he thought, as a longtime national security/terrorism expert, he was in prime position to effect national policy and the direction of the war on terror.