bondagegirl and others...
Everyone seems to think it's so disappointing that all of their friends secretly want to sleep with them.
The thing that girls miss is the obvious difference between wanting to sleep with someone, and trying to fuck them. Most guys don't get creepy and obsessive about the objects of our affection like some women do. Women are prone to overthink many aspects of a relationship, when they are interested in someone, they become very focused, concerned and almost jealous. Guys are so much more opportunistic than that.
If you're not going to give it up, most of us are more than willing to move onto the next girl. We can still be friends, whatever, especially if you have some nice girlfriends you'd set us up with, but most of all, if we're not getting laid, it's just not a big deal. We're not going to go cry about it.
You ask me this... how opportunistic are most men? Well outside of relatives like moms and sisters, and women that are too disgusting to mention, pretty much everything else is fair game. Add drugs, alcohol, or inbreeding, and even then those lines get crossed sometimes.
It's just the way we're built.
BermuDa, thanks for responding to my post, I"m inclined to agree with you, I think getting laid (and I was told it was good) put me fairly high on the friends ladder.
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.
Frederich Nietzsche
Last edited by Skettios; 03-22-2004 at 10:32 AM..