If you've read the Yahoo/AP story (unless of course you believe the AP is a liberal threat

) you might also find it interesting to hear that Mr. Clarke recounts in his book that Mr.Cheney told him under no uncertain terms to find a link between 9/11 and Iraq.
And when did Mr.Cheney say this to Mr. Clarke?
Why 9/12/2001 of course
CBS and the AP both found sources confirming this yesterday (3/20), and when the WhiteHouse was contacted for confirmation, the press secretary's office response was that......
wait for it.....
"CBS is missing the larger picture, that Mr.Bush has helped make the world safer through the removal of Sadam." *not a direct qoute*
Mr. Clarkes book also recounts at least 5 high level cabinet meeting in Bush's first 5 months of office disccusing the possability of attacking Iraq. All before 9/11
*scurries off to find a link on Yahoo or NYTimes for the link junkies*
edit: can't find the AP artical. Here's one artical that is interesting though.
to pull a qoute:
Clarke, who is expected to testify Tuesday before a federal panel reviewing the attacks, said Rumsfeld complained in the meeting that "there aren't any good targets in Afghanistan and there are lots of good targets in Iraq."