Originally posted by rockzilla
I've heard it called a Prairie Fire. My dad kept feeding me these when he took me out for my 20th birthday. I was sure it was going to be the last birthday I ever had.
Prairie Fire it is. It actually makes rail tequila more palatable, but it's a brutal thing to do to good tequila.
Speaking of brutal things to do with Tequila - Mixed with Jeagermeister makes a Pepe Hitler. Wish I could find the ... ah! Here it is - tasting notes for this concotion:
The cloying sweetness and licorice astringency of the Jeager cuts the fiery harshness of rail tequila, while that very volitility supressed in the tequila reduces the overall viscosity of the concotion, leaving it smooth but not syrupy, and with an aftertaste that doesn't linger overlong. Further, the nutty flavor of agave combines well with the Jeager's anise flavor, playing the same role with respect to flavor in the Pepe Hitler as Frangelico does in a Staggering Bishop.
Yes, I spend far too much time thinking about these things.