Thats fair, whatever make it an attack on me as a person. I'm not letting the abortion doctor killers off, and I'm willing to concede that they are engaging in a form of civic terrorism. Also I am not condemning Islam or all Muslims. All I've ever said is that as a whole, their culture and mindset buys into the shit they are fed. As a whole they are indoctrinated with hate against the west and against Israel, or at least to a very alarming and very real and dangerous level.
I seriously don't get how you people think. Granted I would be quick to get into a fight, I honestly think you people are cowards. What do you do when dealing with a bully, do you invite him over to play tea? No. You give him a swift kick in the nuts, and then another swift kick in the stomach when he's down. You show that fuck that you're not going to take his shit, and if he tries anything he'll wish that he wouldn't have. Hell preemption even works. Would it surprise you guys that the US government teamed up with the mafia back in WWII to keep the gestapo(sp) out of American harbors? Sometimes you have to play rough, sometimes you have to do things that are unsavoury, lord knows there would be nothing stopping the likes of OBL or the sort from taking any shot or leg up he could get.
In the long run violence won't fix the solution. But catering and making concessions sure as hell won't either, ever short or long term.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.