it sucks he had to take such drastic measures, but i definitely commend him for having the guts to do it.
as far as whether or not i could do such a thing in a similar situation... well, i honestly don't know. i've never really been in such an extreme situation, and i suppose i can't really know how i would react until i was actually faced with the decision in real life. however, if i had reached the point where i knew i had pretty much no chance of rescue, and my options were to either cut off my arm, or to stay and wait for a slow death, i guess i could do it, it would be really hard, but i think i'd rather that than just waiting to die. i've got a decent-to-high tolerance for pain, from what i can tell, and i suppose my arm would be somewhat numb by then anyway... i think the biggest issues then would be hoping my knife was sharp enough and that i had enough strength left at that point so i could get the job done quickly and start first aid/etc fast enough so as not to lose too much blood in the process.... of course, i don't think i'd be out there to begin with, although i'm sure if i was, it would be just my luck to have something really shitty happen
"Boy, I like that echo... goes right through my head... I had that happen once, but it was chemically induced...." - Steve Earle
Last edited by GreenCloud; 05-02-2003 at 12:44 PM..